Author Archives: ladyjatoz

About ladyjatoz

Love reading, writing, performing, my awesome kids, and the gift of all things past and present. I find time to utilize creativity everyday and always look for the humor in all things; things which are funny to most folks. I tend to appreciate watching 'the Train Wreck'...just call me a rubber necker. I love to work with a team of writers and hope to find a group here who who enjoys the same..........

Truth May Pass Me By


Truth May Pass Me By



Lest thee shear the bounding twines

Which keep your heart

At loves half mast

Mine witness to your destruction

May surely burst my heart

Wailing at the sight of you being pulled into the abyss

Oh, the power of the soul does bless and kill

And the coldness

Blasts without care or kindness

No matter where

Without thought or mind of ones own soul

A lady waits and knows

Pain may bruise her being

She is blind, yet she sees

Oh, yes…she sees

But such sadness blinds the truth

Love and blessed forth carries

Forward the nakedness

Exposing her heart

Pray God, I say

That God’s power will make her see

Such gifts await he

Make him see

Turn his eye from thorn

Move his gaze though forlorn

To know the truth

Though his truth may pass by me

And mine own love be torn

Tis’ this I pray at mine own hearts pearl

That he shall find peace


Pray I say, with want in mine own heart

Free him

‘The only thing to fear is fear itself’…unless one is looking Grammar in the eye


Well here I am and I am afraid.  I am one hour into my blogging time and after reading a post about grammar, I feel the heat from the interrogation room lamp.  I see it swinging from some invisible breeze, a breeze that does not dry the sweat beading about my forehead.

Grammar and I have never really bonded.  Editors are my BFF’s…I believe it is my job to create a story just as it is my editor’s job to ubergrammar red pencil whip my mistakes. It is win/win for my team…and I get the opportunity to let my fingers race around my keyboard without any thought to sentence structure.  Happiness often comes from the strangest of places, my characters love my editor and so do I.

Good grammar.  Goodness Gracious.


L Atoz

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